... All Tower Bells ... Chimes our specialty.

A site for North American Tower Chimes/Chimers

... Most questions asked are about Single bells, see section 0 ...

Warning - Approach any tower very carefully, only with permission.  Don't go alone.
Towers are not meant for the average person.  Use common sense.  I have turned back more than once.

SB. Junk dealers and others.  Contact police.  These are stolen.
0. If you are calling or writing us about a bell.  Things we need to know.
1. A guide to bells in general.
2. North American Bell Foundry information - by Foundry
3. North American Chimes, Carillons, Change Rings, Tubulars - by Country, State, City
4. North American Tower Installation Pictures - quite unique
R. Researching Foundries, Bells and Bell Tower Locations World Wide
  - Web sites, Books and other guides.
5a. A July 2013 UK trip to London, and Stratford-upon-Avon - A BELL TOWER AWAKENING. ..... Our bell usage and nomenclature is so different from theirs.
5. Why a thriving North American CHIMERS Organization won't happen.  Get your heads out of the sand.
6. Change Rings, Peal Boards, Stories, Events
7. Tubular Chimes, Stories, Events, Entries
8. Local bell projects for students and historical groups
9. Tower instrument events - few and far between - your loss.
10. Maintaining the computer site and adding to ALLCHIMES.ORG
11. What makes a Tower Chime - detailed definition.
12. How ALLCHIMES happened - in the first place.

Send mail to  Carl Zimmerman  with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified by Carl Zimmerman:  29-Jan-2014
Last modified by Joe Connors:  11/21/12