..... All Tower Bells ..... Chimes our specialty.

Sites, books or other info on locations of Bells.

site - Data Base of Bell Founders - A European Change Ringers site - North American Guild of Change Ringers

Dove's Guide - Rings worldwide.

site - records from the UK renowned Ringing World. - Carl Zimmerman - Tower Bells (also beginning to expand beyond North America)

Kevs Book - Kev's Guide to Church Bells Around the World.
A massive compilation of Rings/Chimes/Carillons/Tubulars/159 countries.
Plus known revisions and additions/suggestions for category revisions.

site - Bell Historians (a Yahoo group)

Run into something that belongs here? - We will gladly add or fix it.
Send mail to  Carl Zimmerman  with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified by Carl Zimmerman:  26-Jan-2014
Last modified by Joe Connors:  11/20/12