..... All Tower Bells ..... Chimes our specialty.

Reading List - of bell topics and stories.

That Vanishing Sound,  L. Elsinore Springer, Crown Publishers, 1976, ISBN: 0-517-525399
An incredible book of knowlege about most bells you have ever seen.  Out of print, may cost you $35-$70.

Collectors Book of Bells, L. Elsinore Springer, Crown, 1972, ISBN: 76-168319
Bells from around the world - brass, steel, porcelain, ceramic, wood and their uses.  And you thought that there couldn't be more bells?  Almost impossible to get. $70+

Chimes and Electronic Carillons, Paul D. Peery, John Day & Co.
Sheds light on interesting theories on chiming then, not now.

Carillon, The Evolution of a Concert Instrument in North America, Karel and Linda Keldermans, 1996, ISBN: 0-9652252-0-8
Could be considered a basic Bible on North American carillons.  A very complete showing of carillon emergence in America, the major players, their contributions.  Pictures and summaries of 28-46 and 47-77 bell carillons.

The Nine Tailors, (A novel),  Dorothy L. Sayers, Harvest Book/Harcourt Inc. 1934, ISBN:0-15-665889-2 (harvest ppbk).
You will kick yourself in the backside for not coming up with the solution yourself.  A great mystery!

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Last modified by Carl Zimmerman:  6-Feb-2014
Last modified by Joe Connors:  11/20/12