T: indicates tube station, :T indicates previous name is also the tube station.
p, indicates page that this location appears in "Kev's Guide to Church Bells Around the World."
All pictures can be viewed in larger size, and correctly proportioned, with the "view image" feature of your Web browser.
St. Pancras, T:Kings Cross, p257, 4-Mears-1822, 4-Warner-1832, Ella. chime of 8
The smiling secretary stayed past her quitting time to show us the tower, and let me play.
Note: If you have played chimes by the numbers 1- # of bells in the U.S.,
in England they are usually numbered in reverse, # of bells to 1 at the top.

2 Christ Church, p57, T:Colliers Wood, Warner-1884, change ring of 6

10 St Paul's Cathedral, p141, street views

12 Westminster Cathedral, p255, WH-10-1971, Big Ben

22 Aldgate East:T, St. Botolph without, p141, CR-08, 6th-Mears 1966, else Lester 1744/1746
Story: As we waited, a Jack the Ripper tour was starting.
Women ran into here to avoid him.
Story: Nazi bomb landed here May 10 or 11, 1941.
Didn't explode.
